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Allen Plone

Screenwriter, published poet, published short-story writer, children's illustrated book author and award-winning photographer.


Awards: Best Short Story of the Year, Rosebud Journal, Poetry Award, Light, Writer of the Year, Writer's Guild, Best in Show, American Photo Award, Photos in many collections, including the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Clio Award. Golden Cine. 


Allen’s Latest Releases

An homage to the dog who taught it's human companions all about loyalty, love, compassion and how to speak canine. Filled with poetry, memory and wisdom, this book is a tribute to all living beings who honor us, share in our lives and bring us such joy. 


Ned is a boy who just can't stop smiling. His goal is to give his smiles away to make the world a better place. Join Ned as he shares his smiles with everyone he meets, including trees, flowers and his friends. Illustrated by Mattias Gordon, an award-winning artist, animator and illustrator. 


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Compassionate Eye

Compassionate Eye is a book meant to help achieve insight into living a more compassionate life and living in the moment, through aphorisms and images.


Windows & Doors, a collection of photographs and insights into the interior and exterior of our beliefs, thoughts and our understanding of inside and outside. 

     Window & Doors


    As I Sit in My Garden

Puel is one of the newest angels. His most precious desire is to sing with the Chorus of Angels. The only problem is his voice. It's terrible. Kindly Choir Master, Vespers, takes him under his wings, teaches him that his voice isn't wonderful and to among the Choir isn't possible, he must go on singing since his passion and joy brings love into the Universe. 

    The Angel Who Sang

It's a little-know fact, but true, the music in the world is brought into existence by The Music Fairies, who guard all the notes, keeping them safe in their special trunks until they're needed. When one set of notes decides to escape, leaving the world without music, the fairies must band together, find the wayward notes and bring them back.

          Music Fairies

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Cries From The Depth of the Plague




aboard a sleeping earth

clothed in  black

spinning silently

between the once was

& the to be

unaware of differences


all is unseen

the cryptic still    

shadow-free night 

shared with the unknown

hiding from light that reveals

the face of the world

more frightening

than the beast who charges


morning is yet to come

all is colorless

until the moment

the sun rises

for you

           & you

                     & you

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       Family Matters


For The Ordinary Man


the face in the mirror

does not belong

unknown, foreign

this invading stranger


have we met?

from the benign

indifferent universe

there is no answer.


Is he the one risen

from  ashes

of spent passion

of  misspent  youth


where once he dreamed

of standing above the field

claiming victory over enemies

hearing cheers from admiring troops


good at many things

great at none

wishing once to feel

worthy of applause


an ordinary man dares

to wake each day

battle shadows of foes

invisible but for the light they bend


       the only accolades awarded

                                                    a chance to rise again



                after Sophie Tolstoy


when trying to understand

why human beings

do what they do

a fog descends


in which I struggle

to look before  behind

only to be blinded

by the absurd


trying to see through

shadows is a fool’s game


bleary outlines without

shape or substance

whose being

offer no answers


dark is life


​spring has come
birds are singing

LISTEN PLEASE                                                     


if you have never                                        

talked to a tree                                                     


asked permission                                        

from the grass you tread                             


thanked the flower

for its scent


or the field

for its harvest


these are conversations

you have missed


with the wisest

of us all



we have roots

that grow

               one to another



limbs that reach


              one to another


when all the blossoms

fall from our branches

we discover again

we are one tree


              all one to another


         the gradual growing towards

         the subterranean intertwining


so much we do not need to say

we bend toward silence

sharing happiness & pain with the wind


good love roots deep

over time hyphae

weave below us

in search of touching

they  too  are love’s work


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Mojave Post Office 
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No Mud No Lotus
Two Swans

All photographs and images are for sale. Unframed 8x10 images in an acid-free museum matt, $50. Framed 8x10 images in custom frame, $125. 

For media inquiries, please
contact manager, 
Chip Miller 

310 402 3557

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